Statement on our Russian business


We are following the attack of the Russian armed forces on Ukraine and the ongoing developments in the country with dismay and great concern throughout the GoodMills Group.We therefore support the sanctions decided at national and European level as a result of the war against Ukraine without exception.

Above all, our solidarity is with the people in need in Ukraine or those who have had to leave the country. This is demonstrated, among other things, by financial support for social institutions or tons of flour donations from the GoodMills companies, but also by donation campaigns organized by the workforce on their own initiative.

Dr. Gregor Peter, Managing Director GoodMills Innovation GmbH: “We as GoodMills Innovation stand united with the Group behind the measures taken by the German government and the European Union. Our ethical values oblige us to take a clear position in this situation. We want to express this by stopping our Russian business immediately and until further notice.”
