Cost-effective ways for bakers to boost productivity and product quality

Should not become a permanent condition: Empty proofing baskets in the bakery.
Spiralling energy costs are making it increasingly difficult for German bakeries to keep their ovens, and thus their businesses, running. In addition, the war in Ukraine has led to a sharp rise in grain prices. For example, a kilo of flour now costs twice as much as before the crisis. And all this comes in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, which has massively impacted consumer behaviour as people are now far more conscious of how they spend their money. Yes, they want to be careful with their cash but also, more than ever before, they’re actively looking for products that contain regional and sustainably sourced ingredients. So how can bakers capitalise on this trend despite growing cost pressures from all sides?
Today, bakeries are faced with immense financial challenges, such as soaring electricity and flour prices, over which they have no control. So while some may suggest baking less, this clearly makes no sense from a business or financial perspective. That’s because fewer goods means a potentially reduced selection of products, fewer customers and, ultimately, less revenue.
In order to succeed as a craft baker, it’s crucial to offer a varied assortment of great-tasting products while using resources as efficiently as possible. Here, we can support you with baking agents that promise consistently high quality, the preservation of freshness and a good product selection.
Naturally improved baking quality with SMART® Wheat and SMART® Speltng der Backfähigkeit mit SMART® Wheat und SMART® Spelt

Quality stable baked goods with SMART®
The ultra-high protein flours of the SMART® line enrich low-protein flours and improve the properties of demanding textures, such as woolly doughs which require high extensibility. They improve processing and product quality, while also enabling cost reduction.
They can also boost the baking properties of lower quality flours, thus resulting in fewer rejects. SMART® flours appear on the ingredient list exclusively as wheat flour (SMART® Wheat) or spelt flour (SMART® Spelt), thus providing a natural alternative to pure gluten.
Advantages of SMART® at a glance:
– Improved flour quality
– Better extensibility of dough
– Extremely high fermentation tolerance
– Excellent machinability
– Larger pastry volume
– Improved shelf life and freshness
Long-lasting freshness with Slow Milling® NATURFRISCH Gold Granulat

Slow Milling® NATURFRISCH Gold Granulat: artisanal quality and improved freshness
With our Slow Milling® NATURFRISCH Gold Granulat, you can achieve long-lasting freshness. The wheat granules from the Slow Milling® range ensure increased water absorption and improved dough yield. As a result, baked goods stay fresher for longer and also have a long-lasting, authentic flavour profile. Consumers thus benefit from both artisanal quality and improved freshness when compared to traditional cooked and scalded dough.
Advantages of Slow Milling® NATURFRISCH Gold granules at a glance:
– Prolonged freshness
– Higher dough yield
– Better dough stability
– High bundle resistance
– Tender crumb and long-lasting, tender-split crust
– Unique taste
– Can be used decoratively
Fine baked goods: Variety and reliable production with PHÖNIX® concentrates

PHÖNIX® for superior fine bakery products
PHÖNIX® concentrates make the production of classic pastry products particularly easy and reliable. They also allow for a modern interpretation of such classics, as vegan recipes are easy to implement too.
The PHÖNIX Rührkuchen-Konzentrat 20% enables moist crumbs in sheet cakes and box cakes, and high load-bearing capacity for heavy toppings such as those used on fruit cakes. The concentrate can be used individually in the fine baked goods range and combines optimum processing reliability with high added value. It also ensures tender, wadded crumb and fine pastry pores in the production of sponge cake masses for bases, capsules and roulades. PHÖNIX Schoko-Soft Rührkuchen KONZENTRAT 25% is also versatile and suitable for the production of chocolate cakes, muffins and sheet cakes.
The PHÖNIX® fine bakery products range is superior to competitor and discount products, and aids simple and safe production.
Benefits of PHÖNIX® concentrates at a glance:
– Juicy crumb and balanced taste
– High load-bearing capacity
– ideal for heavy toppings
– Suitable for spelt pastries
– Good flow properties
– Excellent freshness retention
Cost-efficient production and improved employee health thanks to TIP-TOP release flours

Less dust with TIP-TOP release flours
Our hydrothermally treated TIP-TOP flours are beneficial from both a financial and employee health perspective. The flours are processed in such a way that they offer significant advantages over conventional powdered offerings: When these flours are used, the ambient air remains free of sulfur dust, thus improving the production environment. By slashing the amount of fine dust in the air, the risk of respiratory diseases among employees is also reduced. In addition, dust masks can be dispensed with.
TIP-TOP flours can also boost cost efficiencies, as the proportion of powdered dust can be reduced by up to 65 per cent.
Furthermore, less fine dust means fewer man hours spent cleaning, which also helps reduce costs. In addition, TIP-TOP flours, such as the wheat separating flour TIP-TOP Ultra Clean, reduce the formation of mold on proofing trays, thus ensuring fewer rejects and virtually no mildew stains. They are suitable for both bakery systems and hand-processing of doughs. All release flours are also available in organic quality.
Benefits of TIP-TOP at a glance:
– Greatly reduced proportion of powdered meal
– Increased yield
– Prevention of bakery asthma
– Reduced cleaning times
– Less mold growth on proofing trays
Are you interested, do you have questions or do you need support? Just get in touch with us!