Clean Label

Straightforward ingredients lists

Easy to understand labels without additives or E-numbers – consumers want ingredients they’re familiar with. But this can be challenging: Natural ingredients often have different processing and sensory properties. Nevertheless, consumers expect the same great taste, freshness and shelf life they’re used to. We can help you succeed with ingredients that keep your labels clean and lean – and make your products just delicious.

Full functionality: Expect nothing less

We were already clean label experts before this was even a trend. We have always believed in using pure and natural raw materials and processing them gently, physically and without chemicals.

For drying, we use temperature methods, such as turbo thin film drying or drum drying.  For extrusion, we use only physical pressure. And for the best taste and the most consistent quality, we use traditional enzyme-producing techniques like malting. This is how we make sure our ingredients perform exactly the functions they are supposed to – in a completely natural way. Removing E-numbers from labels requires expertise. Whether you’re looking to reformulate or create outstanding new products, our experienced team can supply the answers.